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2016 January Fast

Relevant Empowerment Church Corporate Fast

Displaying The Power of God Through The Spirit of Excellence

Dear Partaker,

As we pursue excellence together, this year we are directing our focus and prayer on having an excellent walk with God, building excellent relationships with others, living excellent daily lives, and operating in God’s excellent spirit. We will commit to a level of fasting, praying, and giving that will manifest the power of God throughout our lives.

The fast is progressive and each week will require a greater level of physical and spiritual sacrifice. In addition to living a fasted lifestyle, there is also a mandate for sacrificial giving of one day’s salary, one week’s salary, one month’s salary, or your most excellent financial gift.  Your sacrifice and your submittal to this fast are absolutely needed and expected.  If you have medical constraints, please consult your doctor before participating.  Adjust the fast accordingly if your condition requires it. Now, stretch your faith, submit to instruction, and expect God to be God!

Important Notes:

  • Food will be provided after service on Wednesdays throughout the fast.
  • Corporate Prayer will be on Mondays at 5am and Wednesdays at 6pm throughout the fast.


Pre-FAST Guidelines
The fast will last Monday through Friday from January 4th – January 29th.  Saturdays and Sundays will be days of spiritual reflection. Each week you will be given a specific prayer focus and fast requirements.  Every day of the fast you should incorporate the four R’s:

·         Reflection – Use this time to study, meditate, and pray on the weekly focus

·         Rest – Ensure you get 8 hours daily (1/3 of the day) and pick 1 whole day a week to rest

·         Recreation – Identify and do recreational activities.  Make sure the activities are rewarding

·         Relationship – Identify relationships that need forgiveness and reconciliation. Extend time with family, spouse, children, friends, and create new friendships. Dig deeper into your spiritual relationship with God.

**Important:  Begin reducing sugar, caffeine, and salt intake now! Make sure that you are physically fit for the fast. Begin developing a list of prayer requests and needs to petition during the fast.

Week 1 – January 4th-8th
Focus: The Spirit of Excellence – Daniel 5:11-17; 6:3

Fast Guidelines:

·         Start at 6am – End at 3pm

·         No breads, no cakes, no sweets, no carbonated beverages, and no fried foods

·         Incorporate the Four R’s of REC’s Fast

·         In addition to monetary giving, give sacrificially of your time

·         Pray at least 30 minutes (total) per day

Faith: Pray about God’s Kingdom and your purpose. Ask God for the spirit of excellence to rest on you.


Week 2 – January 11th – 15th
Focus: Pursuing Excellence – Philippians 1:3-11

Fast Guidelines:

·         Start at 6am – End at 6pm

·         Eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and drink only water

·         Incorporate the Four R’s of REC’s Fast

·         In addition to monetary giving, give sacrificially of your talents

·         Pray at least 45 minutes (total) per day

Faith: Pray about Relevant Empowerment Church, Sr. Pastor Yarber, and members of Pastoral Leadership. Ask God to strengthen our passion for and pursuit of excellence both corporately and individually.

                               Week 3 – January 18th – 22nd                                
Focus: Focusing on Excellence – Philippians 4:8

Fast Guidelines:

·         Start at 6am – End at 6pm

·         Eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and drink only water (Thurs, Fri)

·         No food, water only on 3 days

·         Incorporate the Four R’s of REC’s Fast

·         In addition to monetary giving, give sacrificially of your resources

·         Pray at least 60 minutes (total) per day

Faith: Pray about family, friends, and relationships. Ask God to help us focus on the excellence in our lives and eliminate the negative. Place a focus of loving more excellently both corporately and individually.

Week 4 – January 25th – 29th
Focus: The Power of Excellence – 2 Peter 1:5-8

Fast Guidelines:

·         Start at 6am – End at 6pm

·         No food, no water (ABSOLUTE) – 5 days

·         Incorporate the Four R’s of REC’s Fast

·         Be led to give Sacrificially

·         Pray at least 90 minutes (total) per day

Faith: Pray about the local community, strangers, and your role as a witness. Ask God for His “Dunamis” (POWER) that allows excellence to create change.  Receive God’s gift of ability in faith.

Post-FAST Guidelines

Remind and require yourself daily:

  • To have an excellent walk with God
  • To build and maintain excellent relationships
  • To live an excellent life
  • To operate in the Spirit of Excellence

Let excellence be your standard in every area of your life.  Be fruitful and live on purpose. A life dedicated to purpose will always exude excellence. Amen.