Pastor Tony and Lady Rosalind YarberSenior Pastor
The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there. – John Buchan
This quote epitomizes the qualities of Pastor Tony and Lady Rosalind Yarber. As leaders in ministry for over 15 years, both Pastor Yarber and Lady Yarber have facilitated growth in the Kingdom of God. Through their relentless dedication to the God – given purpose for their lives, Pastor and Lady Yarber live each day to impact the lives of other people. When asked about their mission for ministry, they responded, “Our mission for ministry is the same mission for our lives – we just want to see people better today than they were yesterday and we are honored to have been chosen for this task”.
Pastor Tony and Lady Rosalind have had vital roles in Kingdom building. Pastor Yarber has been preparing for the role of pastor for many years. This journey began in 1998 and has continued over the last fifteen years. While assisting with growth for other ministries, Pastor Yarber received vital teaching and invaluable experiences that equipped him for the role of Pastor at Relevant Empowerment Church. The leadership and mentorship provided by their spiritual leaders, Bishop James and Pastor Christine Laird, Bishop Robert and Lady Angela Johnson, Pastor M.V. and Lady Connie May, and Pastor John and Lady Williams, has ensured that Pastor and Lady Yarber maximize their impact for the Kingdom of God. One of the greatest joys for Pastor and Lady Yarber is raising God – fearing children. The legacy of Pastor and Lady Yarber is entrusted to their children, Carmen, Cameron, and Toni Michelle and their grandson, Braylen. Pastor Tony and Lady Rosalind attribute their current success and future ambitions to their children. As leaders in the community, Pastor Yarber currently serves as councilman for Ward Six in Jackson, Mississippi, provides educational services and motivational speeches through their company, Making It Happen Motivational Solutions, and has impacted marriages and relationship nationwide with his first book, Man Tips – What She Wants You To Know. Lady Rosalind serves as the founder of Yarber Consulting and provides governmental services that benefit communities world – wide. The philosophy often taught by them is, “The main thing is to keep the main thing – the main thing”. It is this philosophy that Pastor and Lady Yarber continue to empower individuals, not only at Relevant Empowerment Church, but across the world.